Jamatkhana Selection
Personal Information
The information below will be utilized to confirm your qualification and any correspondence
Emergency Contact Information
The information below will be utilized to contact in case of an emergency.
Health Information
Do you have any specific accessibility requirements or special needs that we should be aware of? (e.g., wheelchair access, sign language interpretation, etc.) *
If you answer yes to above question, then please describe the accommodation requirements.
Artist Details
Do you need English language translation support? *
Will you be attending the Artist Gala on Friday, January 19th at 8pm CST? *
This sizing information will be utilized for other apparel items included in the memorabilia package
Regional Program Entry Information
Performing Arts Questionnaire
Must be between 30 and 50 words. Currently Entered: 0 words.
Additional Details
By clicking here, I acknowledge that my performance meets the time limit and prop usage guidelines based on the selected category.
Performing Arts Submission Check list (Click Here) *
By clicking here, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the USIA Submission Guidelines.
Performing Arts Submission Guide Link (Click Here) *
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.